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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-20 21:41:13


    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Online Shopping. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

    1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚

    2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题

    3. 我的建议

    [范文]Online Shopping

    Online shopping, as an act of buying products and services over the Internet, is growing in popularity ever, which has been significantly shocking our lifestyles. Many individuals favor this kind of shopping because of its ease. But like any other newborn device, people may unconsciously expose themselves to the threat from it by incaution.

    For those who work for lengthy hours, the internet offers them much convenience. First of all, they do not have time to visit the store during regular trading hours, while online retailers allows orders twenty-four hours a day. As well, online shopping gives the customers the facility to compare prices and features of the products thanks to the detailed product description. In most occasions, the items are cheaper than online than in the conventional stores, making it an appeal to most people.

    While there are numerous advantages of online shopping, there are also threats and fears regarding this way of shopping. Information security is the key concern. Online payment may not be so secure because of identity theft. Another problem of online shopping is encountering misleading and false product information.

    In my viewpoint, online shopping is a double-edged sword. Buying on reputed online stores is a good solution to ensure the pleasure and comfort of the internet shopping.


      第1篇    四六级 阅读(英语四级六级阅读)    作者:admin


      第2篇    中国市场的英语翻译(中国市场翻译成英文)    作者:admin


      第3篇    五行学说的解释(五行学说最基本的概念)    作者:admin


      第4篇    四级翻译有关科技(关于科技的四级词汇)    作者:admin


      第5篇    新东方教师指导六级阅读考试快速解题技巧(新东方教师指导六级阅读考试快速解题技巧视频)    作者:admin




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