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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-20 07:19:54

    一、首考与"with" 的搭配

    comply with ,coincide with, collide with, collaborate with ,copewith, mingle with, furnish with, acquaint oneself with (be acquainted with)come up with , o way with ,be identical,   in accordance with,find fault with ,in association with, in line with, in harmony with, get awaywith, lose contact with ,with keen anticipation, be consistent with, be(in)compatible with, in collaboration with ,reconcile with。


    conform to , be apt prone liable to , be subordinate to , besuperior to , be inferior to , be relevant to ,be identical to , be indifferentto ,resort to , dedicate to , in contrast to , in response to,in obedienceto ,be subjected to , adhere to , ascribe to ,attribute to, subscribe to ,besusceptible to ,cater to ,be secondary to ,have access to , inaccessible to,cling to , in proportion to ,do credit to ( 为-----带来光荣),showsomebody to (引领) with reference to ,be bound to ,get round to, live up to。

    三、与"for" 的搭配

    compensate for , take the blame for , have tolerance for , displayadmiration for , revenge oneself for sth. go in for , show scorn for。


    on the threshold of , on the decline , on no account , on file,comment on , catch on , on the occasion , be intent on , have a profoundeffect on ,look out on ,look on as, heap praise on


    deprive sb. of sth. ,be suspicious of ,of no avail , in terms of, becritical of , in the vicinity of,make sense of ,in honor of at the height of ,the array of , a fraction of , conceive of, a stack of,in quest of ,by virtueof。

    六、与"in" 的搭配

    in compensation, in a minority, in a dilemma , result in , in that,provided that , in between ,in case of, in memory of。


    at random , hang by a thread , keep off, look into , lay off, loseno time in doing sth. , put away, regardless of ,talk sb into doing sth。


    四级备考攻略:作文范文模板大全 做模拟试题 高频词汇记忆 历年真题 四级报班

    六级备考攻略:作文范文模板大全 做模拟试题 高频词汇记忆 历年真题 六级报班

    新东方四六级频道课程推荐 北京学校报名咨询电话:010-82611818
    课程名称 课时试听 报 名
    四级强化精品走读班(45人教师版) 24试听 咨询
    四六级教师阅读/听力/写作单项班 10试听 咨询
    四六级模考串讲班 4试听 咨询


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      第2篇    六级阅读预测题(6级仔细阅读真题)    作者:admin


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      第5篇    拿到四级作文你最先该做的事儿是什么(拿到四级作文你最先该做的事儿怎么写)    作者:admin




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