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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-21 23:40:04


      There are many commonly held beliefs about eye glasses and eye sight. For instance, someone believes that wearing glasses too soon weakens the eyes, but there is no evidence to show that the eye structure is changed by wearing eye glasses at young age. Wearing the wrong glasses, however, can prove harmful. Study shows that for adult, there is no danger, but children can develop lost vision if they have glasses inappropriate for their eyes. We have all heard about how eye sights get bad. Most people believe that reading in dim light causes poor eye sight, but that’s untrue. Too little light makes the eyes work harder, so they do get tired on strained. Eye strain also results from reading a lot. Reading in bed, and watching too much TV. However, although eye strain may cause some pain or headaches, it does not permanently damage eyesight. Another myth about eyes is that they can be replaced or transferred from one person to another. There are close to 1 million nerve fibers (神经纤维)that connect the eye ball to brain. As if yet, it is impossible to attach them all in a new person. Only certain parts of the eye can be replaced. But if we keep clearing up the myths, and learn more about the eyes, a full transplant can be may be possible。

      26. What the speaker want to tell us about eye sight?

      27. What do studies show about wearing glassed?

      28. What do we learn about eye transplanting from the talk?


      passage1为医学类话题,讲述视力,佩戴眼镜,以及眼部器官移植问题。难度适中,与去年基本持平,略有升高。文中出现的关键词都是在课堂上和昂立冲刺讲座中提到过的高频词汇。包括eyesight,eye glasses,replace,transfer和transporting。主旨大意为人们错误佩戴眼镜导致的问题;对于成人和儿童不同的影响;哪些行为会导致视力的下降;以及眼部器官移植的相关问题。三道都为主旨大意题。Q26.提问speaker关于eyesight讲述了哪些内容,Q27.错误佩戴眼镜的研究说明了哪些问题,Q28.我们可以从speaker关于眼部器官移植的介绍中获取说明信息。


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