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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-20 16:00:10

    众所周知,英语六级考试中六级阅读所占比重为百分之三十五,阅读训练的重要性不言而喻,英语四六级考试网 和大家分享2018年12月英语六级阅读技巧:文化出版,希望对您有所帮助。

    The world-famous Belgian has arrived in Britain with his equally famous dog for a five-month stay-nearly 70years after his first visit. Tintin, the eternally youthful reporter who only was ever known to file one story in all his adventures. is celebrating his 75th birthday this year with a new exhibition at London's National Maritime Museum.

    Tintin at Sea is a collection of original drawings by Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi-more commonly known as Herge which was the French-speaking pronunciation of his reversed initial RG-and some of the artifacts and models that inspired him.

    "Herge had a lifelong fascination with the sea and was above all a person who insisted on detail," the museum's director Roy Clare told reporters at a preview of the exhibition which opens to the public on Wednesday and runs to September 5。

    Tintin, with his trademark quiff and plus-four trousers. traveled all over the world on adventures that took him and his white terrier known as Snowy in English and Milou in French from Tibet to America and Iceland to Africa.

    Books of his adventures have been translated int0 60 languages and have sold 200 million copies since the comic strip character first saw the light of day in 1929.

    Although the stories took Tintin and his irascible companion Captain Haddock as far as the moon, the sea is a recurring theme, in stories such as The Crab with the Golden Claws. Red Rackham's Treasure and The Secrets of the Unicorn.

    Herge. who only traveled widely after the success of his creation, was a self-taught artist. He stayed in Belgium through World War Two and was accused and cleared of collaboration immediately afterwards, although be suffered a period of being an exile as a result. He was also accused of racism in some of Tintin's earlier adventures.

    The reporter only once travelled to Britain, in the story The Black Isle, published in 1938.

    "Here you have four famous Belgians." Joren Vandeweyer, the country’s cultural attache (大使随员 ) to Britain. told reporters. "Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddock and of course Herge himself. back after 66 years."

    l. What can we learn about the exhibition in London?

    A) The exhibition is intended to mark Remi’s creation of Tintin.

    B) Tintin at Sea is a new collection that is promoted in the exhibition.

    C) Remi. the Belgian cartoonist, attends the exhibition with his dog.

    D) The exhibition, which lasted five months, has just ended.

    2. Being a reporter, Tintin can best be described as a(n) ______________one.

    A) inexperienced

    B) inefficient

    C) adventurous


    3. Which of the following is true about Tintin’s adventures?

    A) Tintin had extended his adventure from the earth to the outer space.

    B) Tintin had been to Milou. Tibet and Iceland for adventure.

    C) Snowy was Tincin's most faithful companion during his adventures.

    D) Captain Haddock hadn't joined Tintin’s adventures at sea.

    4. What happened to Herge during World War Two?

    A) He was exiled for being accused of treason and racism.

    B) He worked with other cartoonists on Tintin's adventures.

    C) He was forced to leave Belgian for some time.

    D) He criticized racism through Tintin’s adventures.

    5. Tiritin made his earliest visit to Britain_________________.

    A) right after he had earned global fame

    B) for the first exhibition 66 years ago

    C) before the first English Tintin story

    D) in one of Herge's stories


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