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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-22 07:39:53

    Section A Long Conversations

    1D aproject with a troublesome client

    2B take wedding photos

    3C nervous

    4A start her own bakery

    5D they have to be more responsible forwhat they do

    6A behave like adults

    7D those who respect her student commitments

    8C those conductive to their academicstudies

    Section B passages

    9B they break away from traditional ways ofthinking

    10C they resulted in a brand new style ofskiing technique

    11A he won three gold medals in one winterOlympics

    12B they die almost instantly

    13D it has an instant effect on your bodychemistry

    14A to enjoy good health while in darkmoods

    15B they are closely connected

    Section C Lectures or talks

    16D they focus their attention on differentthings

    17C they attach great importance to highperformance

    18B it supports a piece of conventionalwisdom

    19A the great variety of slimming products

    20D they appear strange

    21C culture and upbringing

    22B the relation between hair and skin

    23C adaptation to the hot environment

    24B their skin coloring

    25A their genetic makeup began to change


      第1篇    明察秋毫的意思(明察秋毫的秋毫是什么意思)    作者:admin


      第2篇    关于旅行的英语四级作文(旅游英语作文四级)    作者:admin


      第3篇    英语助动词do的用法(助动词do用法记忆口诀)    作者:admin


      第4篇    最后的晚餐阅读理解答案(最后的晚餐英语翻译)    作者:admin


      第5篇    2019.12英语六级作文(六级作文题目2019年12月)    作者:admin




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