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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-20 20:40:55

    Lectures and Discussions  There is a heated debate over the role of lectures and discussions in the classroom. Some people believe that lectures can help students learn more quickly. In contrast, others hold that discussions can stimulate students to learn by themselves.

    Those who hold the first opinion suggest that students attend more lectures. In their view, by giving lectures teachers help students master the knowledge they've accumulated over years of study and research. However, others think that in a discussion, the teacher usually guides the students instead of dominating them. They argue that to get involved in a discussion, students have to develop their ability to analyze problems independently.

    In my opinion, I stand on the side of neither idea. First of all, either method has its disadvantages. Furthermore, each student has his or her preference. Thirdly, lectures ate preferable to discussions in the teaching of science subjects, and on the contrary, discussions are preferable to lectures in studying the humanities. Therefore, we should adopt different teaching methods according to different subjects.


      第1篇    机场相关英语词汇(机场英语必备(2018)下集)    作者:admin


      第2篇    关于购物的英语听力原文(购物英语翻译)    作者:admin


      第3篇    被分割的定语从句(被分割的定语从句中是什么意思)    作者:admin


      第4篇    英语四级数学(四级英语数字)    作者:admin


      第5篇    四级口语对话问句(询问四级的问题英语作文)    作者:admin




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