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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-22 15:39:59

    We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract.It should be noted, however, that this contract does not __1__ the same form in different societies.考试大

      In Western societies, the __2__ of a man and a woman __3__ given the status of legal marriage by being registered by an official __4__ by the state.

      In some African so cieties, __5__ , marriage has nothing to do __6__ an official registration of this kind but is legalized by the formal __7__ of goods.

      Generally __8__ is the bridegroom who is required to make a __9__ of goods to the bride’s kin(亲戚), though sometimes a payment is __10__ made by the bridegroom’s kin to that of the bride.

      Among the Nuer, a __11__ living in Southern Sudan, the payment made to the bride’s kin, __12__ as bridewealth, is in the __13__ of cattle.考试大

      Once the __14__ of bridewealth is agreed __15__ , and the formal payment is made, the marriage becomes a __16__ union and the offspring of the union become the acceptable __17__ of the husband.

      They remain __18__ children even __19__ the wife subsequently leaves him to live with __20__ man.  

      1.A.make B.get  C.take D.do

      2.A.condition B.difference  C.union D.divorce

      3.A.is B.are  C.was D.were

      4.A.recognizing B.recognize  C.to recognize D.recognized

      5.A.however B.yet  C.though D.still

      6.A.with B.from  C.for D.to

      7.A.exchange B.contact  C.communication D.connection

      8.A.that B.this  C.one D.it

      9.A.money B.payment   C.cost D.consumption

      10.A.also B.too   C.either D.as well

      11.A.a person B.a people  C.a man D.a couple

      12.A.called B.known   C.named D.looked

      13.A.shape B.size   C.form D.type

      14.A.amount B.number   C.figure D.volume

      15.A.upon B.with   C.to D.for

      16.A.legal B.casual   C.direct D.progressive

      17.A.bride B.cattle   C.wealth D.children

      18.A.his B.her   C.their D.ones

      19.A.before B.because   C.while D.if

      20.A.other B.another   C.more D.farther



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