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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-22 16:20:05






    Honesty is regarded as a virtue by most, if not all, of the world’s cultures and religions. Many of us, if asked to enumerate the qualities we seek in a friend or a partner, would place honesty at the top of the list. In reality, many people seem to think that being honest is for others and not for themselves. However, I believe that, given the negative consequences of lying and deception, practicing honesty is in our own best interest.

    For one thing, being dishonest can have serious side-effects on our mental health. Dishonest people even if they have not yet been “found out”, are likely to carry guilt and shame inside them. This is because, although lying is an immoral, most liars still have a conscience deep down inside. For another thing, those who misleads or lie to others are bound to be caught sooner or later. Indeed, people may get away with lying once or even several times. However, the one time that they get caught could entail great loss, or even spell their downfall. Depending on the nature of deception, having one’s lies could mean losing one’s job, being deserted by friends and family, or even spending time in jail.

    Generally speaking, while it may be impossible to eliminate the deceit that exists around us, each of us can decide whether, and to what extent, to practice truthfulness ourselves. Considering the adverse influence that lying can have—— including destroying our mental heath and , ultimately, causing us to suffer great loss—— it is apparent that honesty is our only viable option.


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