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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-22 19:40:10

    Part V Writing

    Directions: In this section you are required to write a composition on the topic “Reduce Waste on Campus”. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

    1. 目前有些校园内浪费现象严重;

    2. 浪费的危害;大学英语四级六级考试

    3. 从我做起,杜绝浪费。


    Reduce Waste on Campus

    As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can. Some students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so on.

    The negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects. In the first place, it makes some students dependent on their parents for money, which is harmful to their development. If they don’t learn to support themselves, they will be “useless people” when they graduate. In the second place, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling. Last but not the least important, there is no denying the fact that our country is still poor. There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help.

    As far as I am concerned, I should set a good example to reduce waste on campus. First of all, I will refrain from wasting anything, from food to stationery. What’s more, I’m determined to call on more schoolmates to fight against waste. Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus. (196 words)


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