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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-21 08:20:01

    My view on opportunity and challenge.

    Discuss the difference between college life and middle school life.

    Do you want to find a job you are interested in or a well-paid one? You’re free to talk about your future jobs.

    What kind of TV programs do you like best? You are required to make a conversation about one of your favorite TV programs you have watched recently?

    How do you define “Happiness”?

    Have you ever taken part in a certain elective course? How is it going on? Why did you choose it? Do you benefit a lot from it?

    What kind of physical challenges do you enjoy best? Describe the excitement of that activity. And how about mental challenges? (Reference words: mountaineering, skating, car racing, chess games, marketing, etc.)

    What’s your own way of spending two-day weekend? Anything special? You are welcome to name some advisable choices for our weekend.

    What is your favorate holiday? (reference: Spring Festival ,Moon’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter , Christmas, etc.)

    Do you love traveling? What places of interest have you ever been to? Please share your traveling experiences with your partner and tell him or her what you learn from it?

    Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it?

    Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays?

    Your best friend’s sister is going to marry an American, and you two talk about the marriage across nations.

    Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal?

    You find your best friend is smoking, and you want to stop him /her, so you talk with him /her about the harm of smoking and try to persuade him /her to quit smoking.

    “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty.

    How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner.

    Live to work or live to enjoy? You are required to present your opinions to your partner.

    How do you understand “Green Olympics”, what do you think is our duty to achieve this goal?

    Campus marriage: good or bad?


      第1篇    四级听力关键词(四级英语听力关键词)    作者:admin


      第2篇    四级翻译有关科技(英语4级翻译词汇)    作者:admin


      第3篇    关于就业的四六级作文(关于就业英语四级作文)    作者:admin


      第4篇    2016英语六级作文范文(六级作文2016年6月)    作者:admin


      第5篇    年糕 翻译(年糕 英语翻译)    作者:admin




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