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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-20 10:20:23

    A Story of Hope 一个关于希望的故事

    Emma was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 33 years old. The cancer was in one of her lymph glands, which resulted in a very radical mastectomy. "There was no chemotherapy back then, only the knife," she said. Talking about her cancer is not something that comes easily for her.


    "A long time ago people were ashamed," she said, "I can remember when I went into surgery, there were so many young doctors there to watch the operation." The doctors told her that she was cut so terribly that she was in the hospital for six weeks.


    After she had the surgery, there were no follow-up treatments, only a few x-rays. "I didn't heal for eight months and I finally had to go to New Orleans. I could not do anything with my arm. I had it strapped down to my side but it didn't bother me," she says. Emma would not believe the doctors when they told her she would not be able to use her arm again, so she began to exercise the arm herself.


    Her husband helped her to raise her arm every day and she eventually regained use of it. After Emma had the first cancer, another cancer was found in her remaining breast, and she had to have a second mastectomy. So then she had to go through all the fears of cancer again. Some years later her husband died and she was left to raise their sons all alone. Emma has done a little bit of everything from working in the fields, helping run the dairy farm that they owned and finally teaching 4th grade for 40 years. Cancer never got in her way. "I know science will find a cure someday." she has said.


    The best part of the story for Emma was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 33 in 1928 and today in 2001; Emma is 106 years of age and a 73-year Breast Cancer Survivor.


    A story of hope? Yes, I would say so, wouldn't you?



    diagnose vt. 诊断

    cancer n. 癌

    lymph n. 淋巴

    mastectomy n. 乳房切除术

    chemotherapy n. 化学疗法

    survivor n. 幸存者


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