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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-19 20:20:06


    微信公众号【四六级 】丨官方微博【@四六级培训 】



    A: what kind of book do you like, Liming

    B: I usually read all kinds of books such like history, scientific, novels and so on, but books related history is my best.

    A: oh, really? But why do you like reading history books?

    B: in my opinion, from history, i can learn so many old Chinese cultures that i don’t know before and from history books, i understand a country’s past, which is really strange. In addition, there are so many hero’s story that is interesting. I also want to be a hero. Hahaha...

    A: it sounds interesting,

    B:yeah, but, what kind of books do you like to read?

    A:emmm... I am not very interested history, however, i am really like reading novels. Because i always imagine that i am the protagonist, and i also go through the same life with that in the story. It is really attractive.

    B: i also read novels sometimes, i don’t like it and dislike it, i regard novels as a kind of relaxation. By the way, generally, what way do you buy book? Because i want to buy some books that is difficult to find. A: maybe i can give you some suggestion. I like buying books online and i know a online store named Shuwu where has all kinds of books, you can have a try to look for the book you want in that store.

    B: that’s great, thank you very much, but i never use online shopping before, so i don’t know how to buy goods on internet? Can you teach me?

    A: of course, don’s worry, it really so easy, now, we can go to library to find a computer and i will teach you

    B: thanks very much, let’s go.


      第1篇    四级单词资料(英语四级词汇背诵技巧)    作者:admin


      第2篇    醉酒驾车英语作文(醉酒驾车英文写作)    作者:admin


      第3篇    四六级如何分配时间(英语四六级时间分配技巧)    作者:admin


      第4篇    骑自行车旅行英语作文(自行车之旅英语作文)    作者:admin


      第5篇    骑自行车英语作文带翻译(共享单车六级英语作文)    作者:admin




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