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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-22 10:20:12


    Newspapers and TV like to report on the private lives of entertainers and other famous people. Some people say that public figures should have the right to privacy in their private lives but others disagree. Are famous people entitled to privacy?


    Famous People Should Be Entitled to Privacy

    The public's insatiable need for celebrity gossip and the gossip magazines addiction to providing those sleazy stories and images of celebrities makes the issue of privacy for famous people a real grey area. As far as I am concerned, famous people should be entitled to privacy.

    Firstly, everyone has the right to privacy. The public have a vested interest in famous people who find their profiling soaring due to a new film release or music release. Readers will want to find out more about the celebrity and the press will duly provide more images of the person while they are so prominently in the spotlight. However, the idea of reporters rummaging around in celebrities' dustbins or bugging phone calls is taking the issue of public interest too far. Famous people's rights to privacy are unlawfully violated. Privacy must be approached from a people-centred perspective, and not through the marketplace. Furthermore, too much attention on the personal lives of famous people not only hurts celebrities themselves, but also their parents or friends.The tabloids dig into anything sensational regardless of the rights of privacy of the people affected. Too much exposure of their personal lives makes more pressure for both famous people themselves and their families.

    In conclusion, famous people should be entitled to their privacy. They and their families must continue to be wholeheartedly protected by privacy laws.


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