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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-21 22:40:21


      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled More Candidates for Civil Servant. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

      1、 现在有越来越多的大学应届毕业生报考公务员,带来了一定的不利因素;

      2、 列举两到三个不利因素加以论述;

      3、 你对此有何看法。

      More Candidates for Civil Servant

      Nowadays many college graduates apply for civil servant positions. It is true that the positions are ideal in terms of incomes, employment security and respect of others. However, the ever increasing number of applicants doesn’t necessarily mean a good thing. The fever for civil servant has brought some side effects. The side effects are listed as follows:

      Firstly, many students apply for the positions for wrong reasons. Some of them apply just because their friends do it or because their parents want them. Some, instead of aiming at serve the people, have the intention of enjoying the interests and power brought by their future position. Secondly, too many candidates compete for limited positions. Take such hot positions as those in the judicial branch of government for example, it is estimated that one matriculate is selected out of 200 candidates. More worse, with the flow of most talents to such positions, those positions that are important for social welfare but inferior in personal welfare are left uninterested. This should arouse our deep concern.newdu.com

      For my part, college students should be cautious when deciding whether to apply for the positions. On the one hand, they should not follow others blindly. On the other hand, there are plenty of ways of employment and self-employment, so why crowd on one bus? In a word, the fever should be cooled down.



      第1篇    骑自行车英语作文带翻译(自行车英语作文带翻译)    作者:admin


      第2篇    四级写作高级(四级高频作文模板)    作者:admin


      第3篇    四级翻译真题中的定语从句(四级翻译固定句式)    作者:admin


      第4篇    感恩节英语作文6句(感恩节英语作文50字)    作者:admin


      第5篇    校级英语四级(英语四级作文介绍学校)    作者:admin




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