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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-21 15:41:05


    Renting a Car

    It is possible to use a foreign license when driving in the United States, but it is a good idea to have an international driver's license. It you do not have an internationally recognized credit card, a large deposit is usually required to rent a car. Each state has its own driving requlations, so pay close attention to road signs.

    1.A: How much is it to rent an economy car?

    B: $19.00 a day or $129.00 a week, unlimited mileage.

    A: Could I have one for tomorrow morning?

    B: Do you have your driver's license?

    A: Sure. Here it is.

    B: Good. Now just complete this form.

    2.A: What's the rate for a station wagon?

    B: The daily rate is $32.00 plus 39 Cents per mile.

    A: Good. I'll take it right now, if possible.

    B: Can I see your license, please?

    A: Of course. I have my own license and an international license.

    B: That's fine. Fill out this form and let me see your credit card, please.

    3.A: How much does it cost to tent a mid-zine car?

    B: I can give you one for $24.00 a day or $158.00 a week.

    A: Fine. I'd like to reserve one for next Tuesday.

    B: May I see your driver's license?

    A: Yes. It's right here.

    B: OK. You'll have to use a credit card or leave a $100 deposit.

    4.A: If I wanted to rent a van, how much would it cost?

    B: Let's see. That would be $40.00 a day plus 38 Cents a mile.

    A: That sounds OK. I'll need it from the 10th to the 14th.

    B: Do you have a valid license?

    A: Yeah. Here.

    B: Fine. Now complete this form and sign your name at the bottom.



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