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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-21 10:00:04

    1. Would you mind ______ his suitcase for me?

    A) carry B) to carry C) carrying D) carried

    2. It was very difficult ______ everything ready in time.

    A) get B) got C) to be got D) getting

    3. It is not much use ______ you don’t know.

    A) pretended B) to pretend C) pretend D) pretending

    4. ______ the canal has already brought many benefits to the national economy.

    A) Rebuilding B) Rebuild C) To be rebuilt D) To be rebuilding

    5. ______ poetry will need a lot of practice.

    A) To be reading B) Reading C) Read D) To be read

    6. I recall ______ him at that time as to why he had made the decision.

    A) questioning B) to question C) to be questioned D) question

    7. Sue couldn’t resist ______ her friends the secret.

    A) to tell B) tell C) having told D) telling

    8. Have you decided to put off ______ to the seaside.

    A) go B) to go C) going D) went

    9. I hate ______.

    A) lying and cheat B) lying and cheating

    C) lie and cheat D) lie and to cheat

    10. It will mean both ______ our country with more tea and ______ the members’ income.

    A) supplying…increasing B) supply…increase

    C) supplying… to increase D) to supply…to increase

    11. It is wise ______ matter in that way.

    A) of his settling B) for him to settle

    C) for him settling D) of him to settle

    12. ______ at the village he found four tractors working in the fields.

    A) On arriving B) At arriving

    C) For arriving D) To arrive

    13. Modernization is the key ______ our agricultural development.

    A) to speeding up B) to speed up

    C) of speeding up D) speeding up

    14. Do you have any objection ______ it this way?

    A) to do B) of doing C) to doing D) done

    15. He said he was in favor of ______ shorter hours.

    A) people to work B) people working

    C) people’s work D) people’s to work

    16. There is no need for ______.

    A) that being done B) that to do

    C) that does D) that doing

    17. ______ doesn’t necessarily mean my being wrong.

    A) You are right B) Your be right

    C) Your being right D) You be right

    18. Economic development will help ______ a nation’s power.

    A) strengthen B) strengthening

    C) while strengthening D) strengthened

    19. Her parents forbid ______ alone in a strange place.

    A) she traveling B) her to travel

    C) her travel D) she travel

    20. I’m afraid you can’t escape ______ this time.

    A) to be fined B) being fine

    C) being fined D) fining


      第1篇    危险的运动应该被禁止吗雅思(危险运动不应该被禁止)    作者:admin


      第2篇    度过艰难时期 英语(度过困难的时期英语)    作者:admin


      第3篇    雅思作文危险运动(危险运动的英语)    作者:admin


      第4篇    就业不平等的现象(就业不平等英语作文)    作者:admin


      第5篇    四级作文never give up(never give up四级英语作文)    作者:admin




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