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    作者:admin  来源:www.cdrsks.cn  发布时间:2024-09-19 13:59:54

    资料类别: 新东方六级讲义(听力部分)

    资料格式: WORD格式




    1. 新旧六级比较 具体变化:题型增多,分值由20上升至35,时间也相应从20分钟变为35分钟。 (1) 老六级 Section A:10 short conversations Section B:3 passages or compound dictation (2) 新六级 Section A:8 short conversations and 2 long conversations Section B:3 passages Section C:compound dictation(11个空)

    2. 新六级考试时间分配 (1)8:45进入考场 (2)9:00-9:10发试卷 (3)9:10开始考试 9:10-9:40 写作 9:40-9:55 快速阅读 9:55-10:00 收答题卡一 10:00-10:35 听力部分 10:35-11:20 剩余部分 (4)11:20 考试结束


    1. 听不懂 1)音的问题 ① 美音和英音

    区别:A. 美音中元音开口特别大,而英音开口特别小; B. 辅音浊化:美音中清辅音在两个元音夹击下则变为浊辅音; C. 儿化音:美音中如果字母加上 r 则产生儿化音

    ② 重读和弱读,语音和语调

    2)语速的问题 ① 连读 常见的连读方式: A. 辅音+元音:在一句话中,前


    B. 辅音+辅音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以辅音开头,后一个辅音发音,前一个不发音。

    2. 听什么? 1)小词 2)短语 3)一词多义

    3. 听懂了但做不对题 1)场景 两大固定场景:① campus life(校园生活);②daily life(日常生活) 2)技巧和规律 六个技巧: 听前:① 快速阅读选项;②预测内容和题型 听中:① 理解大意,抓住主题;②注意小词和短语 听后:①选择相近的选项;②争取去找对立的选项

    如何正确阅读选项? ①阅读选项的技巧:scan,关键要抢时间扫读、略读。 ②阅读扫描的技巧:找异同点,先纵读再横读

    “莫非”法则:凡事要向不好的方面去思维 If anything can go wrong, it will.

    ①出去玩儿一定会下雨。 ②汽车、火车、飞机、轮船基本都是晚点。 ③男生VS女生,女生样样比男生好

    注意两点:① 勇于放弃,要果断选择答案 ②一般情况下不要轻意地改动自己的第一选择


    1. A) On Monday night. B) On Thursday night. C) On Friday morning. D) On Thursday morning.

    2. A) Let him move to a room with two single beds. B) Check to see if there are any vacancies in her hotel. C) Try to help him find rooms in another hotel. D) Show him the way to Imperial Hotel.

    3. A) Brave. B) Robust. C) Generous. D) Dangerous.

    4. A) He loves his present job.

    B) He is going to open a store.

    C) He is about to retire.

    D) He works in a repair shop.

    5. A) She is not interested in the news. B) She has also won a scholarship. C) She is surprised at the news. D) She has confidence in him.

    6. A) His only son is dying. B) He hasn't taken good care of his son. C) He didn't look after his sic wife. D) His mother died some time ago.

    7. A) At the airport. B) At the reception desk. C) In a hotel. D) In a travel agency.

    8. A) He is not equal to the job.

    B) He is not well paid for his work.

    C) He cannot keep his mind on his work.

    D) He doesn’t think the job is challenging enough.

    9. A) The talks haven’t started yet.

    B) The talks haven’t achieved much.

    C) The talks have produced a general agreement.

    D) The talks broke down and could go no further.

    10. A) Look after something for him.

    B) Get some travel information.

    C) Tell him the way to the left-luggage office.

    D) Help him to carry some luggage.

    11. A) Crowded air traffic. B) The large size of airplanes. C) Bad weather. D) Mistakes by air traffic controllers. 12. A) They narrowly escaped crashing into each other. B) They avoided each other by turning in different directions. C) They bumped into each other over a swimming in different directions. D) One plane climbed above the other at the critical moment. 13. A) To give an example of air disasters. B) To show the great responsibility shouldered by the pilots. C) To show the role played by air traffic controllers. D) To show that air travel is far safer than driving a car.

    14. A) Her future prospects. B) Her unique experience. C) Her favourite job. D) Her lonely life. 15. A) Authority. B) Independence. C) Good luck. D) A good relationship.

    16. A) She will remain single. B) She will work in a bookstore. C) She will live an empty life. D) She will earn a lot of money. 17. A) She should find a good job. B) She should get married. C) She should have more control over her life. D) She should open a small restaurant.

    18. A) In day-care centers where little children were taken care of. B) In schools where free classes were organized for young people. C) In places where hot lunch was provided for factory workers. D) In areas in Chicago where poor people lived. 19. A) For young people and adults. B) For poor city children. C) For factory workers. D) For immigrants. 20. A) Jane Adams'life story. B) Jane Adams'struggle for women's liberation. C) Jane Adams'contributions to society. D) Jane Adams'responsibility for the poor.



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      第2篇    2017年6月英语四级仔细阅读(2017年六月英语四级阅读)    作者:admin


      第3篇    英语词组固定搭配大全四级(大学英语四级词组固定搭配)    作者:admin


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      第5篇    大巴车是哪个球队(足球大巴车)    作者:admin




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